Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ascencion Martinez
English 20
Post #2

Only Daughter

For me this book was a very good story and it really made me think anout my family. Sandras dad is an avreg typical hispanic dad that has a daughter. The only thing they want from their daughter is a getting married with a good m=husband that can maintaing her. In my family I have a cousin called Cynthia and her major is registred nurse.

Sandra said"After four years in college and two more in graduate school and still no husband, my father shakes his head even now and says I wasted all that education."(Cisneros4)When my family found out that Cynthia didnt have a boyfriend everyone looked at her with a face like whats wrong with you but she didnt really care. Now she has career and has money but no boyfriend but we all still love her.

Sge is a good person and alot of people look up to her becasue she did not let guys get in her way.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ascencion Martinez
English 20
Cerritos College
Post #1

The Allegory of the Cave

First i will say thet this novel was more interesting than what i thought it was going to be. Plato stated "At first,when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and turn his neck round and walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains".When i was a little kid my parents would not let me go outside at night to go and play with my friends. I would ask my mom why and she would said that it was to dangerous for me. I would not understand why but one day they let me. I was shocked when they said yes.

I was very happy and i went running out side. Me and my friends were so happy runing around playing cops and robers and also hide and seek. But on that day we went out i remember seeing the cops in our block and they said that they were pursuing someone and that we had to go inside our house right away. A police took us to our house and my parents were worried at first.

My parents told me i told you so but i never thought something that bad was going to happen. After when we saw the reallity of our naighboor hood in the night my parents did not let go outside and that was my pain of reality. Not being able to go outside at night because of reality.